Monday, May 27, 2024

26 May 2024: 3 German News Stories

 1.  Interesting BILD story this am....survey by the German Chamber of Industry and Commerce (DIHK).  Data shows that a number of German small and medium-sized businesses are in a confidence spiral.  Quarter of those interviewed say their economic situation is pretty negative.  One out of five is talking about lessening their staff/worker levels in the future.

2.  Anniversary day....27 May 1972....ZDF (public TV) broadcasted Star Trek for the first time in Germany.  

3.  Health Minister got on a hyped-up chat this weekend....almost 360,000 retired Germans in a 'problem' with old-age-home crisis brewing.  Simply not enough space across the country.

Would add....increasing number of Germans going outside of the country to retire in old-age homes.

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