Tuesday, May 28, 2024

TV Chatter

 There's some economic think tank called “Stiftung Marktwirtschaft”, which has looked at ZDF/ARD public TV and made eight suggestions on fixing them.

Seven ideas?

First, free them from advertising....so they never had distortions in news reporting.

Second....dump sports rights/programing for the most part.

Third, have some type of competitive situation of broadcasting income....so that public and private networks could apply.

Fourth....state salary structure to prevent abuse of salaries.

Fifth, reduce management in some manner.

Sixth, have regular reviews....from a outside ource.

Seven and final....offer ZDF up for sale, allowing them to be privately run.

Yeah, that was a radical idea.

Here's the odd thing....if you look purely at viewership (evenings).....for some reason, ZDF has a bigger audience.  This has never been clearly explained. 

Me?  ZDF runs a lot of cop shows (soap-opera-like) between 6 and 8:15 PM...appealing to older viewers.  

Will any this trigger a change?  I doubt it.

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