Friday, May 24, 2024

24 May 2024: 3 German News Stories

 1. Last night....the late interview show on  ZDF (public TV, channel 2)....the Markus Lantz Show....he had the chairpersons of the youth groups of the CDU, CSU, SPD, Greens and FDP political parties.

So the SPD Party youth 'boss' came up and said in some fashion....of the 226 German billionaires existing today....he wants to transform them into millionaires....meaning to tax them  to such an extent that they'd never reach billionaire status.  

The Green Party boss....not to be out done....wants to "empower" the citizens' allowance.....I guess in a sense to turbo-ize it, and make it much more substantial....meaning huge taxes.

Both are seeking to thrill their voters.....with probably the majority of German voters questioning where all this taxation would lead the country.

2.  German police got called to Humboldt end a pro-Palestinian protest.  The Federal Justice Minister (Buschmann, FDP) made a statement....he's going to hold any instructor/professor involved in the 'act'.....accountable.

Meaning?  If you were among the students and are a employee of the might want to freshen up your resume and expect some legal trouble. Buschmann is apparently not BSing around on this issue.

3.  Just an odd 'rental' story.  Denmark is out of space for they worked up a deal to rent 300 'spaces' in Kosovo.  If you were on the bad-boy list....yeah, you could end up on a bus/plane....being sent into Kosovo to do your time there.  Might be another reason  to keep your act clean. 

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