Monday, May 13, 2024

Conclusion of the Tesla Factory Protest?

 Well, not really.

Police say from the weekend....23 arrests and 27 police injured/wounded.

Local regional authorities are supposed to approve expansion of the plant on the protest crowd says they intend to stay and mount more protests.

Cost of police?  From the region and surrounding states....around 1,500 police were brought it wasn't cheap.

What the Economics Minister (Habeck) said?  'Criminal liability' now starts up....meaning the state/fed authority will seek damages.  I would imagine less than 10-percent of the arrested have real jobs....most are probably students.  

What's odd about all of this?  The only plant they seem to protest the Musk-owned Tesla plant.  

Musk choice of location?  It is a rural area (abundant water resources, lot of lakes in the region).....about an hour's drive from Berlin.  It is a former DDR state, and was in deep need for jobs.  He felt locals would readily accept the plant for jobs.  

Where the protest crowd comes from?  No one really states that or conducts interviews.  Plenty of video and commentary from the police.  After a while, you get the impression that it is orchestrated/planned out to be 'mysterious'.  

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