Friday, May 24, 2024

Faked-Up Chatter

 I sat this week and watched a German TV journalist sign up for a digital girlfriend, and carry on a 30-day 'relationship'.

The fee-based system for the AI-'lady'?  Roughly 10 Euro a month. was mostly a chat situation, and was supposed to be engaging people with 'talk'.

You could select certain traits of the her being brilliant, or dimwitted.  You could have an image of her with big boobs, or being flat-chested.

The two-hour piece went through various fake relationships....from guys married to a digital creation (in Japan) guys feeling  happier with the digital gal than real women.

By the end....the one key thing I was mostly two hours about guys in this faked-up world....NOT women in a faked-up world.  It just stands out like a sore thumb.

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