Thursday, May 30, 2024

AfD Brochure Story

 For reference, the AfD Party in Germany is the far-right folks, who at various times....seem hyped-up on migration issues (with some truthful points), and later dazzle you with Nazi-like statements.  Yeah, if you aren't paying could get a serious dose of stupid commentary trying to influence you.

This week, in my mailbox here in Germany....we got a brochure for the EU election (coming up in June) and from the AfD Party.

Nice colorful piece....hyping up their platform points for the EU to 'fix' or resolve.

For a couple of months....the opposite parties have tried to criticize the AfD folks in various ways.  If you asked me on the potential vote for this EU election....I'd suggest that the AfD probably won't get more than 10-percent of the vote.  Six months ago....had suggested somewhere around 16-percent of the vote would go to them.

Would the brochure change much of anything?  I sat and looked over the contents....thinking that probably 75-percent of Germans have a pretty negative view of the party, and this would have zero affect on them.

The other 25-percent?  These are people who openly criticize the migration situation and they probably have at least one conversation per each 24-hour cycle....with a work-buddy, relative, or bar-friend....dumping on the lack of solutions.  The catch here....the majority of this group are anti-Nazi as well.

If AfD had just stuck with their original theme/target of migration issues, and never gotten into the Nazi-chatter?  Well....that's something you often wonder about.

Even if you dissolved AfD at this point....using some democracy 'tool'?  Within 12 months....the whole migration/immigration issue would rise back up and another party would develop out of thin-air.  That's the odd part of this whole landscape.  

As for the brochure?  I tossed it into the paper-recycling bin by the next morning.  I sat and pondered over my village....probably with 3,000 registered voters, and that it might have only been read/reviewed by 1-percent of the residents.  

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