Friday, May 31, 2024

That Radical Attack in Mannheim

 I've watched two different TV reports and can say there's only seven facts:

1.  A anti-Islam protest was being held  in Mannheim today (Friday)....near lunch-time.  Some guy (1 single person) approached the German running the event.  The guy approached with a knife.

2.  The victim was stabbed to some minor degree (he's still alive).  

3.  A couple of other folks tried to stop the guy....getting knifed as well.

4.  One cop gets to the scene, and is knifed in the head (seriously).   From what I read.....he is the worst off of the seven wounded.

5.  A second cop arrives on the scene and fires one round into the attack guy....stopping the whole event.

6.  Location?  Mannheim's central market square.

7.  ID of the attacker?  Well....this gets to a funny situation.....he had a cellphone but NO ID, NO Papers, nothing.  Typically, if you are an asylum person in have to have a state ID from the Germans.  But in this case....nothing.   My impression....newly arrived, and not registered yet.

Based on the description from SWR (public TV).....the attacker (from the gunshot) is bad-off.  It sounds like he took the round to his gut.  

Motive (at least what public TV says) unknown.  

Timing of this?  Right before the EU vote? adds public interest in a negative way.  Some Germans will say if the anti-Islam protest had been prevented.....none of this would have happened.  

One key point I'll list single shot required by the German policeman.  If it'd been an American cop.....he would have fired eight rounds and reloaded.  The German cop could do the job with one round.  

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