Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Four Humble Thoughts

 1.  I sat and watched some short segment off ARD (public TV in Germany) news.  Topic?  Apparently there are various TikTok and Instagram 'coaches' out there...telling youthful Germans advice on how to date.

The ARD journalist sat through the pieces and basically offered up that it's crappy advice being given.  

After watching the segment....I'd just say if you were a German guy and followed the advice being given....ninety-percent of the time....the date would not get past the 20-minute point.  

But this begs the question.....has dating become so crappy and screwed-up....that you need some half-wit giving you stupid advice?

2.  I was sitting and watching some public TV news when the Anti-discrimination Commissioner (Ferda Ataman) came up and said that Article 3 of the German Constitution doesn't offer real protection for older/mature folks or LGTBQ-plus folks.

I sat and pondered over it.....wondering what 'real' meant in this discussion?

Most older Germans just want a real healthy pension, and respect....which I can't see any politician writing more text into Article get either.

As for the LGTBQ-plus folks?  I'd hate to think that they'd walk in and ask for 14-page text piece to cover their concerns.  

3.  Yesterday....court case wrapped up from an attack in January 2023.  The guy attacked passengers on a regional train near Brokstedt (Hamburg region) with a kitchen knife.  In the end....two died and four were wounded.

Regional court sentenced the guy to life imprisonment.

So, the rest of the story.  The guy arrived in Germany in 2014, and applied for asylum (as a Palestinian).  Application?  Turned down, but then the Germans turned around and invented some way for him to stay.  It may be that the Gaza political folks wouldn't accept him back, but no one digs into this part of the story.

So what you see (ARD reports most of this)....the guy is continually in a refugee setting and continually argumentative.  He ends up in a court situation and doing time in jail.  When he finally gets released in early 2023....this is when he goes to the train and attack-situation.

Germans see these episodes and continually ask why they occur, and there's no real answer....other than the court system will eventually catch up and put each into long-term handling.    

4.  I ended up at a Mainz steak-house last night.  Total for the 300 gram Argentine steak, salad, baked-potato and half-liter of beer?  Forty-seven Euro.  Yeah, it was expensive.

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