Monday, May 13, 2024

Five Things I Got Out Of My Village 'Fest' This Past Weekend

 1.  I walked over about 7 km of streets in the village (4,000 residents), and probably saw about 80 potholes.  I can't seem to remember it this bad before.

2.  From the female attire business for teenage girls...yeah, there's some odd trend with stretch gym attire (wearing something 2 sizes smaller than what they'd fit) or some weird thin pajama-like pants.  I can see where teachers back in August were saying this was a 'problem'.  

3.  Probably forty-odd women (in their 30s/40s) with a significant amount of tattoo art (from pricing, a minimum of 3k Euro of art).  Seems to be a trend.  I'm not saying it's 'good' art or such....just some form of expression.

4.  Lot of broken glass around the village on Saturday and Sunday morning....I'd say well over 100 bottles broken.  

5.  Lot of beer and soda bottles....just standing there.  Deposit value?  Probably 50 Euro that I saw in a matter of 2 hours walking around.  A kid with a wagon could have easily hauled off the bottles/can for deposit value.

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