Thursday, March 17, 2022

FSB (KGB) In Turmoil?

 German N-TV news carried a curious piece this morning.  

So the hype is this, they suggest that a climate of fear has come to the FSB folks (the old KGB).  In this suggestive report....there's talk of a purge going on within the FSB.  Old bosses moving bosses entering.  

Bad analysis by the FSB folks?  Well....Putin wanted x-beliefs inserted into a narrative, and the FSB delivered that perception in a nice package.  The fact that it didn't match up with reality?  It doesn't matter.

The suggestion that Europe wouldn't react or go full-throttle on economic sanctions?  You could make that case within the FSB core itself.  I would suggest that the FSB probably isn't made of many economic analysts.  

It is an interesting scenario to ponder, with limited facts.

If the top dozen FSB managers were fired or sent off to prison?  Well.....there would be fresh new managers to arrive, and be immediately aware of a fear of working for Putin and his Kremlin staff.  You'd naturally agree with everything they said or matter how crazy it was.

In the business world, we'd use the expression: 'crap in, crap out' to explain incomplete decisions or faulty reasoning.  But this is what the Kremlin please Putin for the most part.

The new incoming FSB 'bosses'?  I'd give them about ninety days before their butt is 'tender' and they get daily reminders of Putin tension existing.  Most are probably designing some exit leave Russia and get some juicy UK or US asylum deal.  

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