Monday, March 21, 2022

The War: 21 Mar 2022 (Noon)

 1.  Odd story (BS-factor probably at '7').  Some Ukraine reports indicate cellphone intercepts that some Russian officers are shooting themselves in the get treatment and get pulled from the front.  While I's probably BS, if you just had one case like this and the story got out among Russian Army members....others might consider this a legit way to get out of the war.

2.   13 NATO ships taking a 'break' after their participation in a Baltic region exercise....docking in Stockholm.  Odd timing and destination?  Some suggest that.

3.  Germany says of 10 AM this morning....more than 225k refugees are in Germany now.

4.  There is a petition going around Switzerland over the 'lover' of Putin, who has lived in the country for several years.  The petition calls for her and her kids to be deported.

5.  Some Belarus resupply trains to the 'front' have been halted.  The story goes (BS-factor of '5') that damage is being caused in some way by partisan folks within Belarus.

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