Monday, March 28, 2022

What 'Local' Means?

 If you walk into your local German's now a big deal if they have vegetables, fruit and meat products that are 'local' products.  Maybe a decade, it wasn't a trend.....but almost all grocery operations have some type of sign up to identify 'local' stuff.

So for a long time....'local' wasn't defined, and groceries got away with their own definition.

Today, the German Federal Association of Consumer Goods made up a national rule.....if you put the sign to say this product is 'local' has to be within 500 kilometers (roughly 155 miles).

How many Germans shop this way?  It's hard to say.  For those who hunt for out-of-season products? kinda have to accept South African grapes, Croatian apples, and Costa Rican bananas.  

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