Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Refugee Situation in Germany?

 As of this morning, the government says that 159,772 Ukrainians are now registered in Germany, and in the past couple of days....12,000 Ukrainians per day, are arriving via bus/train.  

Expectation?  I might go and suggest for the next thirty days.....that 12,000 per day will be the norm.  By the end of April?  Well....just an educated guess of half-a-million Ukrainians.  

I'd also go and say that Berlin (the city) has probably now reached maximum capacity, and you will see Frankfurt take over the central dispersal of incoming refugees.  

Limit?  In 2015....Germany handled around 950,000 to 1,000,000 incoming folks.  I would agree that there was crappy handling/planning going on, but a million-plus isn't that big of a deal....if the federal folks loosen the money strings.  I would also suggest various rural areas of Germany have dozens of houses/apartments vacant, and it'd be easy for a 500-person village to take on 200 refugees.  

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