Tuesday, March 29, 2022

The War: 29 Mar 2022 (AM)

 1.  All members of the G7 group have said now 'NO' on paying for Russian natural gas in Rubles.  Putin's threat?  He'll halt gas flow.  He hasn't said it'll happen quickly, but the threat has been made.

So the country with the most on the table for 'pain'?  Germany (around 50-percent of all natural gas requirements were Russian).  

Could the Germans survive without the Russian natural gas?  

Well....here's the three key issues: (A) to receive the LNG ships, the German idea to build two ports (Hamburg region) won't be operational until 2024.  There are ports in the UK and France....so it's possible through those ports for US/Qatar to bring in LNG ships, and have the gas pushed on (for the time-being).  (B) The US and Norway have been said in some way that more natural gas sales are possible....but to bring it quickly up to Russia's numbers?  I'd say if Germany was lucky, they might meet half of this supply.  (C) Finally, Qater hasn't said a lot over the past two weeks.  Without the two ports being operational....I suspect Qatar's strategy is to get a couple additional LNG ships built and simply plan a long-haul situation for 2024.  

2.  Focus brought up this odd trend.  For all the German folks who were anti-Covid people (I hate to use the word Covid-deniers).....they now find their email chatter containing pro-Russia positions.  The chief support for anti-Covid being a Kremlin 'tool'?  Well...some folks are suggesting that.  

3.  US Navy EA-18G electronic warfare aircraft are being deployed from Washington state....to Spangdahlem AB.  Navy aircraft to a forward position?  Yes.  A bit odd, I will admit.  Six of them.

4.  If you did want to travel into Russia for tourism?  Well....there's new rules about 'unfriendly states', and if your country was unfriendly to Russia....you won't get a tourist visa.  Frankly, I can't see how anyone would want a week in Russia at this point....although the dollar to Ruble rate makes things interesting (around 1 dollar buys 95 Rubles).

5.  The reappearance of Defense Minister Shoigu after several weeks gone?  Well....some folks look at that one single video, and some things (particular people at the meeting) don't fit.  So the question is....was it a fake video from six months ago?

Shoigu's health?  I won't say he's bad off, but if you were looking for a candidate for a heart-attack....he's probably a '9' on a scale of one to ten.

6.  Can you get into trouble for spray-painting the Russian symbol 'Z'?  In some German states....'Z' is forbidden. If the cops catch you....it's more than the usual graffiti laws to affect your arrest.

7.  The Moscow stock market open but not in huge losses?  Initially, there was a one-third drop, and in the past couple of days....some 'recovery' for the MOAX.  Some people suggest that outside influences are going on and MOAX may be faked-up.  I would suggest that there's been such a loss....that some Russians holding stock....simply don't see a reason to dump their situation.  Yes, the 'ride-it-out' strategy might be in this situation currently.

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