Sunday, March 27, 2022

The War: 27 March 2022 (AM)

 1.  The word is that Russia will fully open its stock exchange in the upcoming week (Monday).....but it'll be for a four-hour period only.  Note, if you were into 'shorts'.....that won't be allowed.  So it's a tricky situation on buying and selling stock....which I'd expect the values to dip (unless they run some fake mechanism). 

2.  The German government says around 260,000 Ukrainian refugees are in the country....but they also suggest it might be way more.  Lot of folks simply come in and stay with friends or relatives....without registration.

3.  There's talk that German visa regulation will ease up on Russians who've gone into 'exile' (left Russia).  

4.  There's some indications that Germany will spend in the neighborhood of 2-billion Euro on a missile-defense system (from Israel).  Fear of Russian rockets intensifies.

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