Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Five German News Stories

 1.  The heat plan? Through all these years in Germany....there never had been what I'd call a national plan for a 'hot-day'.  The SPD Health Minister has gone out and drafted up a national plan.  They talked about it yesterday.

Somewhere in the quotes....they wanted people to know that at 42 C (107 F)....people die.  I sat and pondered over this....having lived in Arizona and experienced a 47 C (117 F) day.  It's bad but if you just drink liquids and stay out of the sun....you survive. 

So what are the key elements of this plan?  It mostly revolves around a SMS to be broadcast via cellphones (call it an alert), a heat mandate required for new buildings where the room temperature shouldn't go above 25 C (a bit ridiculous I thought), and use of public buildings with AC for folks.

Is this a serious problem?  There's no doubt that somewhere over the 100-days of summer....somewhere between a thousand and two-thousand people get heat exhaustion....without realizing it.  In this case, an hour into this....being 'stupid'....you could put your life at risk if you don't take some minimum action.

2.  Putin has basically given the Wagner folks a choice.....you wear the uniform of Belarus, or Russia.  No more mercenary action.  No idea where this goes.  Will they get paid by Wagner standards?  No one really says that.

3.  A fair amount of time spent by public TV (ARD/ZDF) last night in explaining this district election in Sonneberg (eastern Germany) where the AfD guy won in the run-off against the CDU guy.  Odd thing that you notice in this....only around 60-percent of the residents of the town showed up to vote.  I would suggest a fair sum of Linke Party, SPD and FDP voters....didn't show to help the CDU guy.

Another piece of the story....trying to say that so many people in this town are far-right wing.  Historically (especially in the 1930 and 1932 national elections that brought the Nazis into power)...you see Germans disgruntled with the coalition government, and they vote in this method to 'send-a-message'.  I suspect that a fair number of people in this town fell into the disgruntled frame of mind. 

4.  Focus had a short piece talking about artificial intelligence, and how German gas companies are hooking up the system to reset gas prices....based on AI advice.  Locally, I'd say at least six times a day....gas prices go up and down.....based on years of survey and cost analysis.  

5.  Some analysis over the brigade movement to Lithuania (permanently).  It might be three years before this occurs....manpower issues exist today, and the Bundeswehr needs to resolve this first. 

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