Sunday, June 4, 2023

Political Chatter

 The Sunday BILD newspaper hyped up the newest political polling.  The bad news is that the AfD has climbed up to 19-percent in their even to 2nd place SPD (the leader of the gov't coalition).

The dilemma in discussing this?  I think the best way to explain the time you add up all the chaos and 'we-need-fix-this' problems....the SPD-led coalition (SPD-Greens-FDP)....have a unconvincing brand/message to sell, and there just seems to be a massive amount of chaos.

Blaming Putin and Russia for half of this?  I might go and suggest they deserve some of the blame, but some of this goes back to the Merkel-era....some involves public frustration after Covid....some involves the cost of living getting to a ridiculous level....some involves migration....and some involves the media message.

If you opposed the's pretty good odds that you don't see eye-to-eye with the Linke Party (far left), and the CDU/CSU folks (Merkel's old team) haven't really sold themselves as harshly opposing the coalition.  So the AfD is the only option to really pick and 'send' a message.

Will AfD be a big deal in the upcoming Bavaria state election (coming up in Sep)?  Looking over polling for the past two months...I'd say they pretty much hit what they did in 2018....near 10-to-11 percent.

Upcoming Hessen state election (Sep)?  Same deal.....2018, AfD had near'll probably be a repeat of same numbers this time around.

I won't really say that AfD captivates anyone from the western states.

Nationally?  Different story.

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