Thursday, June 15, 2023

TV-Media Tax Chatter

 I noticed on the front of BILD today....they went out and asked folks how they felt on this issue of raising the German TV-media tax.

Response?  Around 78-percent said 'NO'.  13-percent said 'YES'.

What ARD/ZDF says.....there has to be a raise in roughly a year....probably in the 80-cent range or more is what is generally mentioned.  The current monthly tax?  18.36 Euro....per house/apartment.

To make their blunt case?  I suspect they will announce more reruns in the mix.

The case against them?  For more than 20 years, there's been public encouragement that they need to reform/re-make their 'brand'.  They've never done much to demonstrate that position.

Some Germans suggest it's time to review the history on how ZDF came to exist, and if perhaps they should be 'let-go'.  (That will never explaining the history or dismissing them)

If you asked me the best way to proceed?  I'd say force them to stop paying enormous sums of money for sports events.  Let the commercial networks cover the sports.  I'd also suggest that one of the two (either ZDF or ARD) needs to dismiss their news staff.  

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