Friday, June 16, 2023

Five Things

 1.  ARD (Channel One) did a update on Covid vax 'injured'.  So out of 65-million Germans vaxed-up.....8,886 people have claimed injury.  Based on the current rate....11-percent have qualified for 'damages' (cash).  

At the end of the report, they kinda hinted that all the processing has not been the 11-percent number is not wrapped up.  It probably will go higher.

One odd thing I noticed.....state-by-state....the numbers differ greatly on submissions.  NRW (NW Germany) is high.....while in the Saxony-Anhalt's fairly low.

What you end up getting if proven?  Monthly pension deal.  No, it's not going to be some 10-million Euro just get what you'd consider disabled status, with a marginal monthly check.

I would say this....public TV has been fairly open on explaining the topic. 

2.  There's a lot of hype going on within the news media of Germany about the Linke Party and Sahra Wagenknecht.  

Wagenkncht basically wants to take the party off to some position that seems to attract the AfD folks and the Linke Party folks.  

Agreement within the Linke Party (considered far-left)?  NO.  At best, if you take what people say....around 50-percent don't see a reason to sit and discuss some alternate party that would involve the AfD folks.

Numbers-wise, if this weird creation party came to exist, with AfD and leftover Linke folks?  Probably around 22-percent of the voting public.  

I just don't give this much of a chance of success.....but it is attracting attention.

3.  A heat-protection national 'strategy' for Germany?

Well.....this came up.....the Health Ministry wants a national plan.  There's supposed to be a meeting coming up where this would be discussed.

On heat-related deaths in Germany on average?  This is argued, but at a's put at 5,000 deaths.  The Ministry has suggested in some's gotten up to around 20,000 Germans dead because of the heat.

What are they talking about?  Right now?  Two chilled water (don't ask me how this would work), and cooled shelters (don't ask me how or where these would be....might even be some free pass into a cave or using subway areas).

My general advice?  Close your shutters and windows at 10 AM. Sip chilled water throughout the whole day.  Limit beer unless under a shaded area.  Dress appropriately.....meaning less is better.  Get all your big physical work done by noon.  

4.  Trends looking bad for the EU election in 2024?

Well....ARD polling says around 40-percent of Germans aren't that happy with the EU trends.  Most of these EU elections usually have minimum topics or anger built into them.  I'd say next year's episode will be a bit different.

5. Heat-pump law to be delayed?

Well....rumor has it that the FDP Party (coalition partner to SPD/Greens).....wants the passage arranged to occur after the Bavaria/Hessen state elections in the fall.  They think if it passes now.....they will not get 5-percent in either state's elections.  Frankly, I think it's a bit too late to suggest this, and it's a pretty sure bet in Bavaria that they won't get 5-percent.....anyway.

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