Thursday, June 22, 2023

Surviving Another Day

 I assume most of you reading on the 22nd of June....are alive and well.

For a brief time yesterday (up until 11:18 AM), some of us were worried and maybe sipping through whiskey early in the AM.

Yes, we weren't wiped out.  

Don't worry.....I don't intend to have a 'end-of-humanity' party on Friday or waste my booze on celebrating us missing the big one.


Daz said...

It's not saying that we'll be wiped out in 5 years.

But comprehension and understanding isn't a trait enjoyed by many of the deniers. It's read the words and run it through the straw man filter that substitutes for rational thought.

Schnitzel_Republic said...

These doomsday predictions are into the thousands. Examples: Pope Innocent III once predicted that society would end 666 years after Islam started (612). Columbus himself made some booklet of predictions...saying the world would end in 1658. Jim Jones predicted the end in 1967.

The problem is that people eventually realize doomsday folks say an awful lot of crap....which never turns out true, and there's just a lot of skepticism existing in society today. The worst thing one can do for science or the real utter doomsday chatter. It merely identifies the 'players' in some cult-like state.

Oddly enough, around almost all doomsday prediction prior to the past fifty years....they revolved around a religion or cult. One gets the impression that we've expanded past religion/cults now.

Daz said...

The point once again is there wasn't a 5 year doomsday prediction. Basic literacy and comprehension reveal that as a straw man construct.