Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Three German News Stories

 1.  I noticed out of Focus this AM....story over Last Generation activists.  Apparently, down in Regensburg, cops arrived at some house where a activist is residing.  It would appear that they were surveilling (likely his phone) and knew he was supposed to be leaving shortly for a glue-episode.  So they arrested him at the door.  

If they are surveilling at this level....it means they consider the organization a full-up criminal group....like the mafia.

2.  WELT had a piece this morning (front page) talking over the EU mandate of renovation for homes.  Some speculation now building that the cost factor is such....it'd be better to just vacate or tear down these homes needing massive renovation.  The numbers spoken?  Hundreds of thousands of homes throughout Germany.  

If you were looking for an issue to charge up populist feelings....this would do it.  

3.  WELT had a poll-report this AM.....roughly 50-percent of Germans think that the nation is in decline.  

I will say, from the prospective of watching nightly news....there seems to be a new drama unfolding every single week, and there's a cost factor attached to each drama.  Everyone has feelings about where this is going.

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