Tuesday, May 7, 2024

7 May 2024: Four German News Stories

 1.  Curious deal....crisis summit by the coalition (SPD-Green-FDP).  Problem?  FDP is stalling the new pension package deal.  Some people believe this is the beginning of the end of the coalition....with a new election likely by September this year (year ahead of time).

2.  Fungus and pathogen called 'Candida auris' is spreading rapidly around in Germany.  If you are healthy....no problem.  If you have a weakened immune system.....you need to worry.

3.  Court system finally reached their view on extra 'new' costs of the Stuttgart-21 railway  program....they are handing the rest of the bill to the Bahn folks.  Meaning?  Bahn will have to find 6.5-billion Euro.  So prepare for a massive upswing in 2024 and 2025 on ticket prices.

4.  CDU Party saying they want to bring back the 'draft' to the German military. 


Bigus Macus said...

CDU Party saying they want to bring back the 'draft' to the German military.

Scholz announces Germany's readiness to deploy 35,000 troops to support allies

Figure the odds on bring back the draft.

Schnitzel_Republic said...

The big issue is that they've had a plan to enlarge the Bundeswehr for five years...goes nowhere. They intend to put 5,000 troops into Lithuania...full-up base, with housing for family members (school for kids as well). But they can't find enough 'volunteers'.

As for getting public support? No...this is one program you can't drag back in and re-introduce.

Daz said...

Interesting how the old are so ready to send the young to war to die to maintain their lifestyles. If only the CDU was in power recently, for like two decades. Oh wait...

Schnitzel_Republic said...

The volunteer program was 'geared' to work when established. The numbers just never came, and some would say financially....you can find a better path in life. I should add when the volunteer program started....they didn't have deployments much outside of the country (that has changed).