Sunday, December 29, 2024

29 Dec 2024: Five German News Stories

 1.  Former Ambassador to Germany from Ukraine.....says that Germany needs to support Ukraine to a tune of 20-billion Euro a year. 

With economic woes in mind....I doubt that Germans see this number as practical or possible.

2. CSU's 'boss' (Söder) gave an interview yesterday....saying the new coalition (after the election)....will be a government without the Greens.  In his own words, they won't be.....“mentally enslaved to Habeck”.  

3.  Waldheim (city between Leipzig and Dresden).....had some toxic event at a grocery store. Rescue folks called.....toxic smell of some least a dozen folks overcome by fumes of 'something'.

4.  German cops have set up various check-points on Polish border....confiscating illegal fireworks.

5.  Back in December 2022....because of the natural gas crisis (Ukraine-Russia war)....the SPD-led gov't agreed with the Greens to go in a massive way to liquid natural gas (LNG) delivery by ships.  Contracts were signed and two ports created out of thin air.

Use of the ports since then?  Well...marginally used. Cost per day?  Around 200k Euro.

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