Saturday, December 28, 2024

Another EU Rule Coming Into Play

 Starting next week (1 Jan)...the disposal of textile material changes.

You are NOT  permitted to dispose of old textiles in residual waste (the regular can). If you do this violation....consequences follow.

The new deal?  You collect them up and put them into used clothing containers.  This applying to curtains, towels, socks, underwear,  crappy cheap t-shirts?  Yep.

What the EU wishes? gets re-used or recycled.

I paused over this.  Last month, I cleared out my underwear drawer.....everything starting to show holes, and I put into the bag for clothing recycle, and the German wife got all over my case....that this was NOT the purpose of the clothing recycle container.

Now?  I have to educate her on the EU rule.

Is this something we needed?  I doubt it.  

1 comment:

mnewman7 said...

Weidel addressed the unelected EU types forcing these kind of rules - her Youtube video brought many comments that people don't see the labels applied to her by the German media, similar broad brush as applied to Trump. The tongue lashing Queen Ursula got was also interesting to see.