Wednesday, December 30, 2020

2020: The 'Kabosh' Year

 The Turks have this word....kabosh, which generally means zero value.  Somewhere over the decades, kabosh got accepted into the English language, and today means 'bringing something to an end'.  It would refer to you having something, and then turning a corner to have nothing.

I would describe 2020 as a kabosh year.  Between Covid-19 and the ten-thousand little associated came out at the conclusion to realize there's really not much in 2020 to talk least in a positive way.

You wear masks if you venture out.  You observe any noise of someone coughing as a big deal.  You hit the mute-button for the TV if Doctor Doom or Doctor Death appears.  You avoid watching travel documentary pieces because it'd just give you enthusiasm to travel to Tokyo, Borneo or Paris.  You look at stupid statistical tables many ICU beds exist, and how many are taken-up.  You get some stupid vaccine update story, which pumps you up....but then get a comical story that makes you doubt reality.  

How it'll be reviewed in forty years?  I would suggest that historians refer to it as a 'dark' year, and mostly left to be forgotten.  

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