Monday, December 14, 2020

Silvester Fireworks?

It appears that the German tradition of fireworks on the 31st of December is now out (part of the shut-down rules).


Well....the fireworks were already manufactured, ordered by grocery companies, and essentially sitting in warehouses.  They were supposed to be delivered in roughly 14 days.  

The companies who manufacture them?  I noticed a short interview with a industry spokesperson last night....laying out the financial mess left on their doorstep, and the need for the government to compensate them.

The amount?  He was suggested 3-digit millions.  

Disposal of what exists in the warehouses?  No one is discussing that.  It'd have to be a special program....cost several hundred-million (to be safe and environmental).  Tax-payers would pay the cost in the end.

At the conclusion of one late news piece on German TV....a 'expert' said that people might go and 'make' their own private fireworks, then create a huge mess on the 31st....suggesting this ban might not be smart.

I asked the German wife....couldn't they just save it all, sell them in May, and fire them off for some special occasion.  She fire them on the chase the demons away for the new year (grinning as she said that).  Her stance, why chase demons away in May?  I didn't carry the conversation on at that point....demon-chatter usually gets you nowhere.  

Court action on damages?  It wouldn't shock me if the federal/state governments got dragged into some damage situation and had to pay off the fireworks industry to the tune of half-a-billion Euro.  This decision should have been made back in August before all the manufacturing took place.

On the priority list of frustrations?   I'd suggest it doesn't crack the top one-hundred issues....but on the evening of the 31st, it will be very noticeable.  

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