Thursday, December 17, 2020

German and Covid-19: 17 December 2020

 1.  There was a study released yesterday (University of Leipzig) which discussed the number of Germans 'eager' to get the vaccination.  Eight months ago....almost 80-percent of Germans were willing to get the shot.  Today?  The university team discovered it's barely 50-percent.  

This becoming a salesmanship thing?  It wouldn't shock me if by late-January...the vaccination centers have one-third of their appointments open and few people getting it.

For a fair number of Germans, I think the logic is....wait four to six months and see if issues are noted....then take the vaccination.  

2.  The vaccinations staying voluntary?  The German government held a press conference and stated that they hoped that enough people took the shot and helped to lessen the virus.  The voluntary nature flipping over to mandatory?  The government has held this as a reserve-position.  They might be able to force the issue on police, the medical establishment, etc.  Beyond that, I would have my doubts. 

3.  680 deaths were reported last night, over the past 24 hours.  Highest level since day one....from across Germany.  

4.  From my regional state (Hessen), the government is viewing a plan to call for help from the Bundeswehr (German Army).  The issue?  Retirement homes where the staff members/caretakers are ill with Covid-19.  I'll's not the kind of mission that German Army members would take on.  The hint in the wording is that they'd deploy into the retirement centers....physically staying there (to avoid more Covid issues) for a period of time (figure two to four weeks while caretakers get well).  I don't think the Army will turn down the request, but it's going to be a weird mission.

5.  It's kinda emphasized now....while they will relax some ban-rules for Christmas....they WON'T relax the rules for New Year's Eve (Silvester).

6.  There was an interesting piece off N-TV this morning....covering energy use in Germany over the past year.

Energy consumption over the past twelve months fell by 8.7-percent.  Chief reason?  Covid-19.  This relates to people being forced to stay home for an extended period, and some industry being completely shutdown.

People happy over C02 production going down?  Well....yeah.  If you are a Greta-supporter or environmentalist, this was a super-positive announcement.

Nuke energy in the production of power for 2020?  Only 6-percent.  Renewable energy production for the year?  A lot less than you'd think.....17-percent.  

A return to normal in 2021?  I would imagine the answer is yes.

7.  Official announcement by the government (at least reported by N-TV)....vaccinations start on 27 December.   

8.  Brief discussion today on N-TV over the German fireworks industry.  Because of the ban for New Year's Eve.....massive economic fallout coming.  Bankruptcy wave anticipated.  Effort by the government to 'save' them or 'gift' them money to starve off bankruptcy?  So far, nothing.

Part of this discussion centers on the anti-fireworks agenda folks, and their happiness that the industry dies off.  What they don't grasp is that Chinese companies will march in....stake out positions and continue selling in various areas of Germany.  

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