Friday, December 11, 2020

Reflecting Upon the Next Month

 The German death count for the past 24 hours, as of last night?  547.  Number of newly infected (for 24-hour period), 30,392.

Hospitals for the past month across the nation have been hinting that they are reaching the point where the first planned level if ICU beds....are full.  They could open up more beds but it'd mean admitting that you won't handle much of anything in a regular hospital but Covid-19 people and strictly emergency situation.  

The general trend here?  This weekend....some decision will be made where massive closures will occur (probably as of the evening of 19 December).  Public support?  It's upwards to 70-percent.  I would suggest that around 15-percent are seriously negative about this, and the rest are just asking questions. 

The vaccination start-up?  No one says December now....they all agree it'll happen around the first week of January.  

School closures?  A state by state affair.

The curfew business?  Agreeable by most folks, but those under 25?  They aren't that appreciative about the deal or the lack of a social life.  The odds that the curfew will last through ALL of January, and maybe into the first half of Feb?  It's best not to bring up this issue.

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