Sunday, December 6, 2020

Ban-Rule Chatter in Bavaria

 The Bavarian political leadership has been busy this weekend....chatting over new Covid-19 ban rules.  Some folks are probably looking at the headlines, and a bit worked up over where this is going.

First, there's to be a Bavarian 'state assembly' meeting on Tuesday.  If they vote these actions into'll last until 4 January (the start day is Wednesday of this week, immediately).  Odds of it extending out another month?  Best not to bring up that topic. 

Second, a state-wide disaster is declared.  The words go this way.....if you exit your house or apartment.....there needs to be a reason.  We aren't talking about visiting your cousin or going over to view kinda has to be an official reason (visiting the doctor, attending a funeral, etc).  They kinda want you to be pro-active and home-quarantine around the clock.

Third, a curfew is established in any Bavarian town that is considered an extreme 'hot-zone'.  The time involved?  9 PM to 5 AM.  That means that when you are noted on the streets at 9:30 in this particular town....the police can automatically pull you over and ask for your circumstances.  Getting off work and returning home?  Acceptable.  Saying you are visiting your boyfriend?  It probably won't work. 

Fourth, strict contact rules on Christmas period?  Given a waiver.  New Year's Eve?  NO, the strict contact rules will be enforced.

Fifth, alternate class days (half the class each day, and the rest at home) will start on Wednesday.  

Sixth, absolute ban on alcohol in public places or where people gather.  It kinda hints that if groups form up in some public setting....there can't be any booze, gluhwein, or beer there.  This might be the ban rule to get a fair amount of negative chatter among Bavarians.  Luckily, you can still drink in your house, or on premises of your barn.

Seventh, border traffic is restricted.  This kinda hints that if you had business going could still cross borders.  If it's not will be denied the option of crossing the border. 

Eighth and final....home-office routines are supposed to be offered by employers, if it's possible.  The announcement used the word 'guarantee', which I have doubts that it's going to be possible to force this issue.  

Each state likely undergoing a similar discussion?  Yes.  Bavaria is simply out in front of the other fifteen states.  

The ban rule to attract the most attention?  Control over public consumption of booze.  Generally, if you've ever been around Germany in the Christmas season....there's just a lot of gluhwein and alcohol consumption.  It wouldn't surprise me over the entire month of December....if adults consumed forty to sixty cups of gluhwein each in the month...while standing around Christmas markets.

The anti-ban-rule crowd getting hyped up?  Probably, but this is all jail-type situations if you went and violated the ban-rules.  

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