Thursday, December 17, 2020

Is There Any European Country Preventing Press Freedom?

 Over the past year or two....the EU or pro-EU folks have suggested this.  To the suggestion....I'd ask where and how.  You simply don't see that.

What you do more and more news outlets (TV, radio, internet, magazines and newspapers) who have staked out a position, and spent a fair amount of time explaining their logic.  Then you find fewer and fewer people who buy into the statement, the logic, or the dramatics of the discussion.

I'm not suggesting the pro-EU people are failing, but their arguments are being persuaded at a level which you'd define in some cases as juvenile-thinking.  

Intellectual failure?  More or less.

This is the amusing part of the story.  It doesn't matter if you talk about more regulation, more taxes, more migration, more immigrants, more controls....selling this to the general public of any European country....gets to being fairly tough.  Either you have a master salesman, or you have a chaotic chit-chat forum situation....which you tend to mute half the time.

The public TV crowd of various countries now hyping up media control?  It's generally being suggested, but you can't find any real evidence other than some public TV networks having financial limits put upon them, or people simply refusing to buy news magazines or newspapers.  In the newspaper's simple facts that they don't sell as well as they did in the 1950s/1960s.  

People not watching the public forums on public TV?  Well....just in the age group of one is interested or entertained by these discussion groups.  It doesn't matter if you bring up the Netherlands, Germany, or Austria.   The idea that you could flip on German public TV and get eight hours a week now of forum chatter, which half the topics really don't interest even a third of the population....says something about the direction taken.

Press freedom being challenged?  I would suggest the other much freedom, and so much chatter....that people frankly....don't give a damn.  They don't believe the slant or angle of the they either flip the channel to a Danish crime drama, or some Japanese Animi cartoon with lesbian warriors fighting sea creatures. 

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