Saturday, December 12, 2020

Black Alert?

 This week, my regional state (Hessen) came to a new 'emergency' alert.

"Alarmstufe schwarz."

('Black alert)

It basically means that with infections and deaths...'red alert' isn't enough anymore.

Is there anything higher than 'black alert'?  Honestly, no one indicates that but you have to wonder about that.

I'm a regular viewer of the new Star Trek series, and it hit me this morning when this black alert chatter came up....'black alert' is a term used on the new Star Trek series.

Did someone in the Hessen government get into regular viewing of Star Trek and saw the term used there and felt it'd be nifty to re-use the term here?  Unknown.  It's just odd how how the term came up.

The bad part about black alert?  Well....consuming any booze in any public setting (other than your house or in the middle of some woods) is forbidden.  Toss onto aren't supposed to leave your home, unless you have a valid reason.  The cops who might stop you?  They will ask this, and just saying that you were looking for something...will likely get you a citation.

Kids on chatter about black alert?  I'm guessing they are inventing various phrases and terms to accompany black alert.  

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