Thursday, December 10, 2020

Vaccination Story

 N-TV and RTL-TV went and did a public survey over the Covid-19 vaccination business....asking Germans about their willing nature.'s the blunt side of this.....only 43-percent said 'right away, they'd take the shot'.  

Around 50-percent  said they'd kinda like to wait a couple of months.  They didn't really indicate two months, or four, or even six.....just that they'd like to see results first before walking down to the vaccination center (even if it was free).

So you'd ask....what about those other seven-percent?  That's the no-go crowd...under no circumstances....they will not be taking it.

(me personally, I'm likely to pause for four months to see how things go.  I kinda remember the 1976 flu vaccine situation, where roughly 500 Americans were seriously affected, and 25 died from the 'magic' flu vaccine given in the US)

Politically gamed?  That's the odd part of this story.  The survey folks said that if you identified with the SPD Party (left of center)....they were the most fired-up folks to want the shot immediately.  Among AfD Party members....twenty-two percent absolutely 'no'.

By age group?  Oddly.....they didn't break it down by age. But they did say this one curious thing....if you were under the age of 30 and claimed participation with the SPD Party.....they were pretty fired-up to make the vaccination mandatory for everyone.

The mandatory nature?  So far, the Bundestag has said NO, they don't want to engage in this type of situation.  Doctors will also tell you.....they don't want to participate in forced situations where you had hold some guy down on the ground.  

My gut feeling?  By the end of 2021....the 'nice' nature of this deal will go away and you will be led down this path.....if you want to travel by air or leave the country (for a vacation) will have to agree to the shot.  I'm also likely to believe that if you were a foreigner entering'd have to show your shot-status or get a shot at the airport while entering.  

They might go and state to be a nurse, doctor, fireman or have to agree to the vaccination.  It wouldn't even shock me if the Bundestag itself tried to say all members had to be vaccinated (the AfD wouldn't abide by that).  

The national soccer league?  Heck, they might even go to the point of saying you can't play within Germany unless you got the vaccination.

I could even see them asking for some US clarification that all Army/Air Force personnel, their families, etc....were vaccinated prior to entry.

The 'freeness' deal?  So far, it appears for the next twelve's totally free.  No one says much after that, but even if they went to a regulated price deal.....most suggest it's in the range of 12-to-15 Euro.  

So settle back and prepare to be entertained by mid-summer as this topic comes up and ends being a national election top-twenty topic.    

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