Friday, December 18, 2020

Public TV Chatter

 German federal elections are often based on just two or three issues, which drive the public voting trend.

So today, this topic came out.....a page five type story, which won't be discussed by the public TV news people.

The CDU Party (right-of-center, and Merkel's team) have a white-paper, which discusses this crazy idea.....pushing public TV in Germany into a downsized position and mostly privatized.

The basic idea?  The paper suggests that public TV (and radio) go back to the core values thing....covering culture, information and community/state information.  

They aren't suggesting a big drop in the TV tax (currently 17.50 Euro a month per house), but you get the hint that some kind of drop would occur.

The production of TV movies and the various shows seen on ARD/ZDF?  Unless they worked up a privatized deal, with commercials....they would stop.

Sports?   That would probably stop, and flip to private channels only.

The radio community?  You might see jazz, opera and news go on but the rest would be forced into some kind of commercial support.

Where this is going?  Lets face it....probably around 50-percent of the general public (from both the left and right political sides) are fed up with the public TV tax, and the marginal offerings.  A lot of these people are under the age of 30.

If they made this a four-star topic in the 2021 national election?  You might be able to get the CDU voting pattern up to around 40-percent....taking votes from the left-side of the spectrum.

The Greens forced to support the public TV folks?  That might be a negative position for them.

As for ARD/ZDF chatter?  I'm guessing they are fairly angry over the discussion and want to flip this election against the CDU folks.  

The amusing thing to this one would ever suspect it'd come up in an election year and be a top three topic.  

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