Monday, December 14, 2020

The 'Click and Collect' Idea

 This 'click and collect' idea came up tomorrow (Tuesday) is the last day that the retail stores are open (like Saturn, C&A, Karstadt, etc).

ARD did a explanation of this in the late afternoon.

Basically, these stores would be closed (starting Wed).  But if you went to buy something online....there would be this option (you'd pay for this with a card), where you'd go down to your local store, to pick the item up (at the door).....never entering.

Approval by the political folks?  Not a hundred percent, but they are apparently going to let this occur.

The fact that you are still driving downtown....entering the shopping district in most cases, and mingling with people?  If you think about the are pushing the rules a good bit. 

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