Sunday, December 27, 2020

Swiss Update

 I essayed a piece a few days ago....over the swift and harsh actions in Switzerland, over the new Covid-19 virus coming out of the UK.  

The reaction by Swiss authorities....where in Switzerland are the Brits, and how can we get them all staged-up into quarantine.

So read through the morning news via Focus, and Swiss authorities are now concerned over a new issue.

It appears like the Swiss authorities got quickly into identifying Brits staying at ski-hotels, and handed them the papers to quarantine.  Hotels picked up the responsibility of delivering dinners to their rooms.  

Then this odd thing happened....about half of the Brits in their hotel rooms have disappeared (they aren't at the hotel any longer).  Where are they?  Unknown.

Returned to the UK?  Probably not....since flights are shut-down for this new virus deal.

My humble guess?  These Brits aren't stupid....if they aren't welcomed in Switzerland...they probably left.  As big a mess as Germany is presently over hotels being 100-percent shut-down, I'm guessing that they found Italian hotels or B-and-B situations in Switzerland, and escaped to them in the darkness.  As bad as business has been this year for a lot of hotel situations....a fair number of people probably won't hesitate to take in guests (on a cash-basis).

All of this leading to some national chaos in Switzerland?  I'm guessing on Monday morning....some meetings will occur, and political folks discuss the ramifications of this.  

It'd all make for a great four-star comedy script for a Brit movie....'The Missing Brits'.  

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