Friday, May 21, 2021

After Day One of Franco Case

 Court opened up in Frankfurt yesterday, against this Bundeswehr soldier....Franco.  I essayed a bit on this case from two days ago (for reference)....guy accused of posing as a fake refugee, and for acquiring a gun in Austria. 

So court opened up yesterday and the guy didn't shy away from public statements outside of the court room.  Highly defensive of his situation and sees himself a 'victim' of the court prosecution folks.  

If you ask me....the judge will likely step in today and demand he stop making public statements.  It is a bit unusual that people go on an offensive like this, and the news folks....had to make a pitch to hype the charges against him. 

Second issue....these "Dies Irae" posters in the showcases out front of the court? reads: "Up to 20 percent right-wing extremist soldiers? A peak since 1945!" (yeah, a bit sarcastic and cynical)

The Dies Irae campaign?  It's been going on for a year or so, and it's mostly a slam against the journalists and politicians trying to hype right-wing extremism in Germany.  In their mind, every time you turn around....there's another right-wing extremist (hiding in the bushes).

How the court will go on Franco?  Unknown.  I personally think the weapons element should have been tried in Vienna, under their law.  Even if they convict him on this charge.....the Constitutional Court will probably come around to this and throw it out later.  Licensed to have a weapon?  That hasn't been openly discussed.  

On posing as a fake refugee?  Well....if they really dwell on makes the German system at the time....look pretty crapped-out.  Is there a German law to forbid German citizens from being fake refugees?  I'm not that sure....course, he did get some kind of 'pocket-money' via this deal (it would appear), and that would be illegal in some way.  If he did get 'pocket-money', I'd be curious what he spent on (candy, beer, exotic women, or just handed it to another refugee to spend)?  

As for convicting on right-wing extremism?  It's anyone's guess how this will go. 

On the journalists side, they've spent a lot of time hyping this story and it'd be a damn-shame if the court case failed.  

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