Monday, May 10, 2021

What Might Happen on 7 June?

 On the sixth of election in the state of Saxony-Anhalt (eastern part of Germany) will occur.

Polling from four months ago indicated that the CDU would safely win (somewhere in the neighborhood of 30-to-34 percent), with the AfD coming behind them at 23-percent, and the Linke six points behind them.

It was a fairly predictable scenario.

Since Laschet has become the Chancellor-candidate for the CDU Party?  I would suggest that this race is now a bit closer.  

If the CDU were to second-place in this race....with say....24-percent, and both the AfD and Linke Party picking up four points each?  Well...the evening of the sixth of June would turn into a curious bloodbath discussion via public TV.

So I have this scenario for the 7th of June.....where the executive council of the CDU Party meets and has a discussion about dumping Armin Laschet as their candidate for the Chancellor seat (for September's national election).

Going to Soder (the Bavarian CSU guy)?  No....I think they would open this up entirely, and allow some national meeting to occur within three weeks.  You could see five or six alternate choices then (Spahn might be on the list....even AKK might be dragged back out).  

Radical scenario?  Absolutely.  But I suspect there is an enormous amount of fear building up that the CDU (with CSU help)....might not even cross the 20-percent in September.  Under this scenario, they'd break just about every rule in the book and find a alternate candidate.  

So you might want to prepare for the morning of the 7th, and see how wild and crazy the leadership of the CDU is chatting.  

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