Saturday, May 29, 2021

Covid Story

 This story popped up last night on TV, and I saw most of detailed in a Focus piece.

Basically, you have a German guy in Munich who got Covid, and ended up in a ICU-bed for 129 days.  

Bad off?  The doctors at some point said it was 50-50 if the guy survived.  So far, no one seems to have had such a bad case of Covid, and survived as this guy did.

There's a second guy in Munich.....42 years old....who left only after 92 days of ICU handling. 

All going back to diminished lung functions?  Yes.

The one thing avoided in these news pieces....the total bill.  If this had been a US clinic, for 129 days in a ICU bed?  It'd probably be over half-a-million dollars.  

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