Monday, May 10, 2021

Are Public TV Journalists Green Party Enthusiasts?

 Are a large segment of public TV journalists (ARD, ZDF and the sub-networks) Party and pushing for Baerbock?  

Well....this is not a simple question to answer. 

There is no doubt that various networks (public status) are giving some heavy criticism to the CDU and SPD agendas, and to some degree favoring the Green Party.  But I don't think you can say that they are pro-Green Party.

What you can say is that for several decades....older members of the public TV empire retired, and younger members came in.  This new crowd had certain things that they cared about....which actually did revolve around the Green Party agenda (vegan business, more taxation on corporations/rich Germans, anti-nuke power, anti-US agenda, etc).  

So the game that is being played out....these journalists hang around like-minded people (having dinner with them and drinking with them), and get hyped up over various agendas which the Green Party does support.  They may not be actual Green Party supporters....but they enjoy the hype and the theme.

I might also suggest this....around our months ago, the CDU noted that they had a 'white-paper' which suggested dismantling a lot of the public TV empire, and frankly.....if you were pro-public might not be happy having the CDU around to push this agenda.  

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