Sunday, May 9, 2021

Five Things I Expect Out of a Green Party Chancellorship

 As things look today, as the German federal election occurs in September....the odds are pretty high that the Green Party will get a majority of votes, and lead the next government for four years (up to September 2025).  After a fair amount of pondering the past week, I've opened up my crystal ball and will put five things up that I believe will occur:

1.  No German will be able to fly commercially from one German city to another German city....with the mandate being that you'd take the bus or train, or just drive yourself.

Example, you couldn't fly from Munich to Hamburg, or Berlin to Frankfurt.  

What will happen is that several cheap airlines will crank up a 'leg-trip', where you fly from Berlin to some marginal airport in Denmark (for a ten-minute stop-over), and then onto Hamburg.  Or you leave from at some marginal Austrian airport, then fly onto Berlin.  It'll be a silly resolution to get around the mandate.

2.  Fruit and vegetables requiring foreign workers (typically from Bulgaria or Romania) to pick....will gradually double in price.  The Greens, I suspect, will mandate various health, safety and comfort requirements....meaning that if you sponsored ten enormous amount of extra cost will occur, and you'd have to recoup the money.

Audits and inspections would likely occur in this atmosphere, with hefty fines.  Some farmers might give up the practice of guest-workers and just quit the crops entirely.  

3.  Speed limits would be hard-fought, but by 2025, be in place (at 130 kilometers per hour, 81 mph) on the autobahns.  

4.  I expect banks to be mandated to offer no-cost savings/checking accounts.  In return, the banks will shift virtually all actions into a cost just checking your balance will cost 50-cents (Euro), or going to a ATM machine will cost 3 Euro.  Nothing will be free via banks.

5.  Housing mandates will occur where the intent was to spur cities and credit organizations to sponsor affordable housing projects.  Once the smoke has cleared, it will be an act to infuriate the general public where cheap not-long-lasting apartment buildings are erected and create a wave of resentment in most major cities.  

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