Thursday, May 27, 2021

Long-Term Camps?

 There's an Italian newspaper (Il Giornale) which has a curious news piece on Germany.  They say that two German CDU Party members (Merkel's group) are talking up the idea of more refugee camps to be built in Italy and house (sounding long-term) all these migrant folks making their way across the Med.

In the piece, it's kinda clear that these are war refugees and they fit more into economic migrants....which makes it hard to see the EU getting anything done.

What might occur here?  The EU might come to terms of just paying off Italy, Spain and probably even just hold back migrants.  But this idea (if it gets this far)....just creates a massive problem or two when you get five years into the future, with 100k to 200k people sitting impatiently in migrant camps and seeing no exit possible.

Just in 2021, I could probably see at least 25,000 new migrants in Spain/Italy.  

All of this....because the group of politicians sitting in power can't say the migration 'door' has closed?  Yeah.....that's the amazing part of the story.

If you go into most of the European countries now.....there's a fair number of people peeved and set to a no-entry position, and willing to vote any party in which goes to stand again more migrant/immigrants.  So the pro-entry folks are in a fairly big mess....they would lose their seats of power and have no ability to influence 'change' of any type....if they try to push a open-door policy.

So if you went and explained to people....part of the massive taxation bucket affecting Germany and the rest of a bucket of money to pay a couple of countries to manage 'guests' that you really don't want walking around or in your own country.  If people ever figure this angle to the whole'd be a rough mess for journalists to talk about.  

The next EU election?  Spring 2024.  Normally, the EU elections don't draw much attention and fewer people show up to vote (at least from past episodes).  

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