Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Green Party Agenda: No More Paperwork?

 Well....Focus covered this 20-line story today....over a discussed German Green Party agenda item....digitalizing applications.

What they'd like to do....simplify the entire process of getting a license, registering a car, doing your national ID card, etc....all by an internet process.

You would do this off your cellphone, your tab, or your laptop.

I sat and pondered over this.  

First, if you lined up a hundred-odd Germans and tested them for competency or patience....I'd suggest that a third of the adult population would not be capable of handling this.

Then you come to this unique problem (demonstrated early this year with the App for making appointments for the Covid vaccinations) got 'stuck' at various times, and you'd have to restart the process.  In some cases, it didn't take much to overwhelm the server.

Fraud made easier?  That's another issue that I'd be worried about.

Generally, if you look around the US at successful digitization programs....they put a lot of work and effort into it....simplifying the whole business, and hired competent people to run the program.  

As for this being an attractive 'cause' to vote for the Greens?'s just not on the top ten or even the top one-hundred list of issues that most people would like resolved.  

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