Monday, May 10, 2021

Plagiarism Story

 I noticed this morning, via Focus, that the German government's Family Minister....Franziska Giffey (SPD Party)....has come to the blunt side of this thesis plagiarism mess, and the college is pretty near removing her doctorate.

For about four months, there's been some internal investigation going on about the plagiarism, 

What happens once this degree is tossed?  Generally, if you used past examples (there's been a couple of these over the past twenty years)....the person resigns from the job, and from her party (in shame).

Political game?'s getting that way. 

The question to ask....did the college ever do that much research when they granted the degree, or was this a 'wave-of-the-hand' situation?  If the degree was granted in the last 15 years, various tools would have been available to review and identify plagiarism easily.  

If she is forced does this hurt the SPD Party and who gets this seat as Family Minister?  

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