Monday, May 17, 2021

Franco-Benjamin Case?

 A court case starts up in the Frankfurt area this week....over a weird episode from 2017 (yes, four years ago).

In the midst of all the refugee business in 2015....this German Army (Bundeswehr) junior officer decided to test the system.  'Franco' shows up at a refugee center (2015), claiming to be a Syrian.

The fact that he is only speaking French, and not any known Arabic dialect?  This translator for the Germans (hinted to be a Syrian) kinda said the obvious thing.....he ain't a Syrian.  

But the Germans didn't listen to the translator (might be curious why not), processed the guy....gave him a temp-visa, and off he went.  The name given?  Well....Benjamin David....war refugee of Syria.  Fingerprints?  Yes, they were collected.  

For the most part, I think if he'd just left it at that....registering....he would have gotten away with this deceit.

But thirteen months passed and on 3 Feb 2017....Franco is in Austria (visiting we assume) and wants to fly back.  Oddly enough....he has a pistol (not acquired in Germany, and this begs questions).  He decides to dump the pistol at the airport (really the wrong place to make a decision like this).  In some airport handicapped toilet, he leaves the gun, and two weeks later (in the airport again), he collects it and gets caught.  

Fingerprints?  Yep, they match up and lead back to this 2nd identity.  

Frankfurt cops get a call and the prosecutor starts up to ID the guy (27 April 2017, case opens up about the fake refugee stuff).  

So here's the thing....the government has pushed on to say this is a right-wing terror plot of some type (hence the need for the gun).  

Proof for the case?  Up to this point....nothing. 

So why do the fake refugee thing?  No one has ever made a clear case on this idea.  I think the guy just wanted to test the system, and readily prove how crapped-out the whole thing was in 2015.  

Could Franco have completely disappeared at some point, and simply began a whole second life as Benjamin (the refugee)?  Well....yeah.  It does appear that the Germans weren't that wise over this business, and I think he could have built a whole new life in a Syrian (as silly as it sounds).

It wouldn't shock me if Franco/Benjamin goes to claim that disappearing was his ultimate plan and just living as a Syrian in Germany was the long-term plan.

How the gun from Austria plays into this?  Unknown.  Personally, it would not take much to drive from Munich to Vienna....retrieve a purchased gun from there and drive back across the border.  Why needing the airline trip in this event?  It doesn't really fit.  

A confusing court case?  I would suggest that it'll go for maybe seven to eight days, and end up with some kind of mental evaluation request by the judge.  

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