Sunday, May 16, 2021

Political Chatter

 I noticed this morning (via Focus) that the Green Party Chancellor-candidate (Baerbock) made a number of comments yesterday.

First, she wants to dump short flights within the country (Frankfurt to Berlin, Berlin to Hamburg, Munich to Hamburg).  She suggests that you'd do these via train. 

National support for this type of suggestion?  No one has done polling and I'd suggest that fewer than 50-percent agree with her (maybe with Green Party members, it's 90-percent).  

The airlines would get around this by adding leg-trips (Munich to Luxembourg, onto Hamburg).  

Second, these cheaper cost trips (via RyanAirways) to London, Dublin, Madrid, etc?  She wants those screwed over, with the fuel tax increased to make them higher-cost.

Third, Baerbock wants a mandatory situation where if you build a new has to have solar panels.

Public support of this?  Unknown.  If I look around at new home construction....I'd say fewer than 10-percent have the solar panels.  You'd be talking about 15k extra in cost.  

One negative out of this....depending on the direction of your roof and the amount of sunshine your region gets....adding solar panels might be fairly stupid and just wasting money.  

Fourth, adding higher taxation rate to anyone making over 100k Euro a year.  This might have general public support.

So the main question to ask....could she accomplish this within a coalition?  If the FDP Party is a member....the tax deal won't be working. 

If the CDU were a partner, I don't think the in-country flights would halt.

So a lot of this is pure chatter to make party members happy.

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