Sunday, May 9, 2021

Sunday Political Chatter

 This morning, if you gazed at Bild am Sonntag (the German Sunday paper).....there's a political poll up, which is a traditional thing (done for decades for the Sunday edition).

The CDU-CSU folks?  At the lowest point since they started doing the poll, at 23-percent.

Green Party at 26-percent.  SPD Party sitting at 16, and the FDP at 12-percent (highest point of the past decade).

Bad trending for the national election in September?  Well....yeah. 

I would imagine that folks are sitting there at the CDU-CSU headquarters....sipping coffee, and just trying to imagine how much 'pain' will occur with the state election in Saxony-Anhalt in a month.  They ought to clearly win the race, with five points to spare (at least it was that way at the end of 2020).  If the AfD wins that state election?  It'd draw massive chaos within the CDU Party....admitting they really screwed up the selection process.  

Letting Armin Laschet go from the Chancellor-nominee situation?  It'd really be a drastic affair to dig into this, and try to 'fire' Laschet at this point.  Even if you did that, and then admitted the bulk of the big-boys for the party don't want Soder (Premier-President for Bavaria).....who else do you drag in?

The potential damage if the CDU-CSU drop below 20-percent for the national election?  It would beg a whole bunch of questions.  

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