Thursday, May 27, 2021

Covid Chatter

 The infection rate (Covid-19) for my local state of Hessen has finally started decreasing.  Locals would say that it's just weird....state has lagged behind most all of the German states on the numbers.

So the subject came up this week within the state government, and they needed a 'path' to exit the stupid ban-rules.  Rather than just saying the ban-rules all end on X-day....they said there's a two-step process now.

On meeting up with folks.....level one: two households can gather.  Level two: two households or ten people (but vaccinated people don't count in the ten number, so you could have forty or fifty people gathered up if they were shot-up with the vaccination.

On shopping....level one: mask still required, test is recommended but not required.  For level two, all shops open, period.

With gastronomy and tourism, level one means outdoor eating and drinking can occur, if you do social distancing, have a 'current' test and contact details written out for the business.  On level two, same situation except the test business is not required.  

Discos and clubs?  Roughly same conditions.  

People pepped up on socializing and getting out of the curfew business?  OH YEAH.  

One of the news segments last night involved following the police around while doing curfew control.  You can tell that the police are generally fed up with the amount of enforcement required.  Generally, at 1 AM (when curfew was being enforced in some cities), the majority of people you bump into are either drunk or a physical confrontation usually occurs, and the cops are given a difficult task.  So everyone wants the curfew and control business to halt.

I would suggest for June, July and August....there's going to be a massive surge on partying, beer consumption, and eating-out.  But a lot of this will be centered on out-door locations, and this will be the summer of maximum beer-garden enjoyment.  

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