Saturday, May 22, 2021

Political Chatter

 This past week....Markus Soder (Premier-President of Bavaria, head of the CSU Party, and had figured to be the CDU-CSU Chancellor candidate until last month's executive committee meeting of the party)...came out with an interview statement.  N-TV came with the statement with the interview.

What Soder hints at, if the Greens win the September election....he wants the CDU-CSU to deny them as a coalition prevent the tax raises and regulations discussed.

So what are the options here on a coalition (with the CDU-CSU standing out)?

If the Linke Party only achieves six to seven percent, and the SPD likely to only get fifteen to sixteen percent...the ONLY option is a Green-SPD-FDP situation. 

The FDP in this case?  They will stand in the way of any significant tax situation or bans on in-country flights.  In fact, you could discount probably around two-thirds of all Green Party 'promises' in this type of scenario.

Soder becoming a 'pain-in-the-ass' for the CDU Party?  Yes, more or less.

It wouldn't even surprise me if the CDU engages in a coaltion chat with the discover that the CSU folks won't participate and the lack of numbers for the CDU Party from the election makes this effort impossible to achieve.  

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