Monday, February 13, 2023

Four Things To Take Home From the Berlin Election Yesterday

 1.  It is rather odd....the city called out an extra 1,000 policemen for security and patrol.  Reason given?  Simply to re-enforce the idea that the streets were 'safe'.  Yeah, it's a bit odd, but perhaps this was the sole reason for the added patrols.

2.  Polling took place as people finished voting.  It didn't matter who was doing the polls....the comeback from the public in 60-to-70 percent of those asked....are you happy with the present political process in Berlin (the city)....the answer was 'NO'.

There's a serious amount of frustration brewing....mostly over failed promises, and the continual 'we-can-fix-this' chatter.

This is not pointed at any one particular party though....all of the parties are getting 'dumped' upon.

3.  Another question asked in the to build a coalition government to lead the city....came to a pretty crazy situation.

When you laid out the three possible coalition options (CDU-Greens, CDU-SPD, SPD-Greens-Linke)....a minimum of 60-percent of the public were against all three. fact, on the last option (SPD-Greens-Linke Party), if you believe the polling, almost 70-percent of people were against this option.

4.  Folks weren't really hyped-up for the election....only 62-percent of registered voters showed up.  

Next election for Berlin (the city)?  Fall 2025.

Any of this affecting the fall state elections in Hessen or Bavaria? Bavaria, polling says that the CSU Party will likely take a minimum of 40-percent of the voting, with the SPD Party going a dismal 5th place (maybe 8-percent). This was before the results in Berlin last night.

As for Hessen, presently, the CDU and SPD are neck and neck.....this Berlin loss for the SPD.....might hinder them to some degree in Hessen.  

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