Thursday, February 23, 2023

Just Observations

 1.  Word came out of a Berlin city courtroom against a Last Generation the middle of the hearing with the judge.....the guy pulls out some glue and glues himself to the judge's table.

23-year old guy....shouting at the judge over the way that things were going....'doom and gloom' over Germany.  

All that was said is that the judge suspended the hearing until tomorrow.  I looked over charges...violating road traffic, violating a policeman's order, and coercion.  It'd normally be something you'd fine the guy for a thousand Euro, and give him a suspended sentence with zero jail-time.

I'd guess....there's probably a new charge added over the glue on the table, and this might go to a month in jail.  Judge might go to another angle.....asking for a mental exam of the guy....taking him into a facility for 30 days.  

2.  The former Foreign Minister....Gunter Gabriel (SPD) gave an interview to RTL today.  In a blunt way.....he said no one today can say that whoever replaces Putin (when the day come).....will be any better.

3.  There's to be an approved hydrogen 'line' going from Wilhelmshaven to Koln built.  400 km long.

Before you get won't be done until 2028, and with Germans often delaying might not be open until 2030.

This changing the dynamics of the E-car business?  No one says that....but it would offer an alternate strategy.  

4.  At this point in the't is saying that the normal amount of natural gas use has been lessened (saying 23-percent less than normal).  A lot of this....I would attribute to low temperatures.

My sense of the the past four months?  I've used one bucket of salt total.  I've probably shoveled snow around five times....but none of them have been more golf-ball size height.  In my valley, we did have a fifteen-day period of minus-temperatures (under zero), but most of the time, it was 3 to 7 degrees above zero (C) for daytime temperatures.   

I would add that the wife did lessen household temperatures to just 20 C (68 F), and we used a small heater for the bathroom for an hour out of each day.  

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